A Look Inside Chula Vista’s Newest Store: Weight Watchers Eastlake

In this exclusive interview, Eastlake Times interviews Eastlake, CA Territory Manager, Marlene Holloway, Eastlake Weight Watchers Location.
ELT: Tell us a little about how you got involved with the health industry.
Marlene: My own desire to lose weight gave me a new view of looking at weight loss as a way of life instead of a diet.
ELT: To those who have never heard about Weight Watchers, tell our readers what entails and what are the benefits?
Marlene: Weight Watchers uses a system we call Points Plus to help calculate what each person can eat in a day to get all their nutritional values in. By doing this, each person can do the plan their own way spending their Points Plus as they choose to. When they do this, they are more successful as you do not have someone telling you what you should or should not be eating…it is your own choice.
ELT: How does modern science support the philosophies behind Weight Watchers?
Marlene: Our Chief Scientific Officer manages all aspects of our healthy eating Points Plus Plan. We incorporate the most up-to-date scientific data so our members can maintain satisfaction and achieve a healthy and successful rate of weight loss.
ELT: What if one of our readers is overweight but a “newbie” in terms of fitness, would you say that Weight Watchers would be a good regimen for them to get started in?
Marlene: Yes, I would. We teach you about making choice…and it is your own choice. Eating out or at home can be easy. Fitness can be incorporated as soon as you are ready. We support moving more as a way to help weight-loss and maintain it long term. And with the help of our meetings, you get continued meeting room support from your Leader and other members…they are our best resources.
ELT: Let’s talk for a minute about ages. What are the recommended minimum ages and what are the maximum ages of a Weight Watcher regime?
Marlene: You can join at 10 to 16 years of age with a doctor’s note. Anyone is welcome—all ages over 17 years old. There is no maximum age to join.
ELT: How are you promoting your store?
Marlene: We recently had our Grand Opening with special events all day long. We will continue to have events supporting our members with Online E-Tools Demos, Lifetime Panel and 100 lb. Panel to help our members relate to each other. And other community members will be coming in to support our location by sharing their businesses and how you can Live Weight Watchers in your community.
ELT: What do you like most about having your store in Eastlake?
Marlene: This location gives our members the support they need by having us there 7 days a week with full-time hours. We have Drop-in Hours for members to come in and sign-up to join as well as do a quick weigh-in, or to buy products. We also have meetings here 7 days a week at a variety of times.
ELT: What do you like least?
I feel so fortunate to be a part of this wonderful area and know that we bring the Best Weight Loss Plan to the communities we are in. (We were voted Best Diet by US News)
ELT: Where can our readers get more information?
Marlene: Please log onto www.WeightWatchers.com for times of meetings and store hours. We would love to have you at this beautiful location.
Short URL: http://www.eastlaketimes.com/?p=5272