Valencia burned the night of Verse On March 10 She did it through WhatsApp groups and social networks. The combustion happened in a different way and nine days earlier than, since the Civil War, nothing and nobody had been able to interrupt.
The coronavirus prevented the fallas from burning, most did not even appear on the streets. That same Tuesday, at noon, the mascletà had gathered tens of thousands of people;In the afternoon General announced the suspension of the popular Valencia festivals.
From that moment on, the capillarity of a huge associative tissue served to cushion the impact. More than 150,000 of the almost 800,000 inhabitants of the third city of Spain participate in some way in the Fallas.
From Benidorm 90 municipalities plant hundreds of monuments, although nothing is comparable to the capital where 750 works of ephemeral art, half of them several meters high, remain today stored in the warehouses of the saddest and loneliest Fallas.
The silence that surrounds them is unprecedented and describes an uncertain future for the creators of this central event in a festival declared Intangible Heritage of Humanity by Unesco.
Five months later laminated monuments are the image of the saddest year in the history of the fallas 10,000 square meters of Feria and a warehouse in La Marina house a third of these gigantic sculptures.
The rest occupy workshops and factories rented by the authors themselves 90% of our businesses have the blinds down and we face a year without orders.