Southern California is home to some of the most competitive areas in the country in terms of Baseball.
Park View Little League
In 2009, Eastlake’s neighbor, Park View Little League Baseball won the 2009 Little League World Series.
In the championship game, the Little League from Chula Vista, California defeated the international champions from Taoyuan County, Chinese Taipei (Taiwan). This was the first tournament in which a team from Taiwan reached the championship game since 1996, and the first championship for a team from the state of California since 1993.
Park View Little League continues to excel at baseball, winning two District 42 All-Star championships, one T.O.C championship and one state division championship in 2011.
Sweetwater Little League
Eastlake Little League’s neighbor to the North is Sweetwater Little League.
In 2011, the league won their their Minors T.O.C. division, Majors T.O.C. division and finished second in the Age 12 All Stars team and Age 10 All Stars team.
SWLL is located 3321 Conduit Road in Bonita, CA, 91902.
Eastlake Little League
Eastlake Little League has improved its reputation by winning one District 42 All-Star championship in 2011 (Age 10 All Stars) and finishing second in the Minors T.O.C., Majors T.O.C. Division, Age 11 All stars Division and Juniors All Stars Divsion.
Click the following link for more information on Eastlake Little League.
Below are some additional links and resources
Eastlake and Chula Vista Travel Ball Teams
Eastlake Baseball Camps and Cages